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Congregant Interviews

Interviews: Text
Interviews: Video

Dr. Amos Lassen

Dr. Amos Lassen is a former professor at The Hebrew University at Jersualem and runs a website on which he reviews a broad range of films and books relating to the Jewish community and the LGBTQ community. He is an active member of the Rainbow Committee, the Adult Learning Committee, and chairman of the Israel Action and Education Committee. See the full interview with Doctor Amos Lassen here.

Interviews: Text
Interviews: Video

Dr. Robin Orwant

Dr. Robin Orwant is a senior science writer at Dana Farber. She is a Jew by choice and now teaches adult b’nai Mitzvah students at Temple Sinai. See the full interview with Doctor Robin Orwant here.

Interviews: Text
Interviews: Video

Professor Andrew Darien

Professor Andrew Darien is the Chair of the History Department at Salem State University and a professor of oral history. Professor Darien is on the Board of Trustees for Temple Sinai and quite literally wrote the book on Temple Sinai, as the author of Building The Sacred And Progressive: A History of Temple Sinai's First 75 Years. See the full interview with Professor Darien here.

Interviews: Text
Interviews: Video

Dr. Dennis Cerrotti

Dr. Dennis Cerrotti is a writer and historian who specializes in theology. As a former minister, Dr. Cerrotti brings a unique perspective on Temple Sinai's community. See the full interview with Doctor Dennis Cerrotti here

Interviews: Text
Interviews: Video

Professor Jeremy Wolfe

Professor Jeremy Wolfe is a professor of Ophthalmology and Radiology at Harvard and a former president and board member of Temple Sinai. He currently serves on the national board for the Union for Reform Judaism. The interview with Professor Wolfe is pending his approval.

Interviews: Text
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